Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist
Telehealth & limited In-Person availability in Washington, DC
​Telehealth & In-Person Availability in Kentucky​
502.771.1460 | 202.368.0330

About Me
Welcome to my practice.
I am a psychotherapist with over 20 years of experience specializing in anxiety, perfectionism, life transitions, and resilience building. As a certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, I will collaborate with you using an empathic, compassionate and mindful approach.
I have worked with ​adult clients ​including from a variety of professions (such as Moms, journalists, lawyers​ and other legal professionals, librarians, IT professionals, government employees, medical professionals and more)​ as well as varied ages, races, ethnicities, sexual identities and cultural backgrounds. I have lived and traveled extensively overseas, at times as part of the expatriate and diplomatic communities. These diverse experiences can help connect us and inform our work together.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 502.771.1460, 202.368.0330 or underwoodgina@gmail.com.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
--- Henry David Thoreau

Individual Therapy
Secure online sessions available in DC, Kentucky and Florida
In-person sessions available in Kentucky
Limited in-person sessions available in DC
Treatment issues​​
Resilience Building
Life Transitions
Relationship Challenges
Sleep Challenges
Women's Issues
Current Registration and
Licensure Boards
Licensed by the DC Board of Social Work
Licensed by the KY Board of Social Work
Florida Telehealth Registration